Monday, April 28, 2014

Post #29... Working on my happy ever after, 1 day at a time.....

It's been a while since I have posted a blog. So much has been happening in this journey and seems that I run out of time during my day to post. When I get home I try my best to be a mom and enjoy every moment I have with my little girl, Evan Raine.

Last week I had treatments 3 days in a row, and by the last treatment for the week (Thursday) I seriously was completely wiped out. I wanted so bad to call in sick, and see if they could just schedule me for Friday instead, I sucked it up, and drove my hour drive, one way to treatment!  By the time I was done with my treatment,  I was so glad that I was going to have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, and I could rest. 

 Friday morning I got to work, and I was still tired and felt I was needing some girl time. Just to escape my treatments, job, and mama duties, and take an afternoon to enjoy with a friend. I called my friend Tonya, and we had decided to meet for lunch at noon, and then go and watch a movie at one. I was tickled pink, I was so looking forward to going, I had a couple of hours getting caught up with work and if I snuck out of the office for a few hours of fun, I knew I deserved it. I left the office a little early as I wanted to make sure I was there on time. I was almost there and I felt and heard my tire do something a little funny, and then the tire blew out, I was lucky I had already slowed down some before that, and I was able to pull my truck off the side of the road without having any other problems. I got out, looked at my completely flat tire, and I have to be honest, I had no idea what I was going to do. The one thing I can not do is.... Change a tire. I actually called my friend Tonya I was meeting for lunch and told her what had happened, she said she would be right over there. I asked her " Do you know how to change a tire?" She said "No" We laughed. 

In the meantime... a couple had stopped and asked if I needed help, I said "Yes, I would so appreciate that" They were the nicest people, and after the husband started working on the tire, his wife and I were talking and she told me about her husband not long ago having a heart transplant. Here this caring and amazing man was after all he had personally gone through, in the heat changing my tire. The bad thing is 40-50 other cars had just passed me by and never considered stopping to help me and this man, didn't bat an eye at helping me. 

The bad thing is my spare tire was put in under my truck wrong and there was no getting it out of there. Believe me, he tried his hardest for over an hour and a half. Tonya's dad owns B&H Wrecker Service (they are awesome) in Covington, GA, and sent a tow truck to get my truck the driver Wesley, was going to get the tire out from under there  himself, he spent 30-45 minutes working on it, to no avail. He loaded my truck up, as I gave the couple and Wesley, the tow truck driver one of my shirts. The couple would not take any money, I offered, however, I got their address and plan to send them something special this week. They deserved it, they melted my heart and they are the sweetest people. Wesley, was about to drive off with my truck and handed Tonya $40 and told her to take us to lunch, I totally had tears in my eyes at the outpouring of help and compassion I received. 

My truck got towed to Tires -N- Wheels on Washington Street in Covington.  Tonya and I went to lunch and when she took me back to get my car, they told me that somehow that spare tire had been put in wrong, they fixed that and fixed the tire and I was ready to go... I asked "How much do I owe you?" (I only had $50 on me and was planning on borrowing money from Tonya until I saw her again on Sunday.)  He looked at me and said "You don't owe us anything"I cried again and went out to my truck and got two shirts to give them.  They said they would wear them and we said our goodbye's.When we got outside Tonya looked at me and said "They couldn't fix your tire and they put you on a new one" with tears once again in my eyes I said "They didn't have to do that" She said "They said that was the least they could do" I thought about all these blessings this weekend. The kindness from one stranger to another and the willingness to help someone else in need is amazing to me. 

My friend Silvia, has worked hard at planning the Zumbathon for me, as a fund raiser. I am looking forward to seeing so many people I have not seen in a while, looking forward to just enjoying the day with so many people that care about me and that are giving up time in the middle of a Saturday to come out and support me, it means so much to me!

My friend Lisa has designed, ordered, and paid for....           (Team Christy) bracelets, to help me in my journey. They are so cute and she is an amazing friend to give of her own will to me and to help me in making my journey through cancer, financially better. You can order yours at


My friend Mimi, had my shirts designed, printed, and paid for as my fund raiser, and our second order the company donated the shirts to me, Signature Inc Printing in Greenville, SC.  They are amazing and we have sold a lot of shirts and I can't wait to see every one wearing them Saturday. You can come out to the Zumbathon on Saturday and get your shirt there or you can order online at

God is good. God had brought forth some of the most amazing people in my life. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 

Tonight, my neighbor and two of her daughters came by and picked up Evan and they are walking my neighborhood to put a flyer's on everyone's mail box about the Zumbathon this Saturday.  She is so amazing, I remember the day I told her, it was at the kids school, and I was there for the ceremony for  "Jag of  the month" This is the special child in each class that is rewarded. Last year she was not it one time, and this year she was concerned she would not get it again.  It just so happened that the day I found out I had liver cancer at the hospital, she was told she was jag of the month. It was one of the most horrible days of my entire life, and one of the happiest for my daughter. Amazing how things can happen like that.  Anyways, my neighbor was sitting there at the ceremony with her two daughters and mom, she could see me crying so I pull up my first blog and handed her my phone, I could see her reading, and she hugged me, and didn't say much, but that was a shock to her too I know. Since that day she has been the best neighbor I could ever ask for, she has been doing every thing she can to raise money to help me, her love for me is so encouraging and I am so grateful to have a friend in her.  She makes me smile with her genuine care and concern for me. 

I'm just still doing treatments 3 days a week, and not much changes, no testing lately. A few weeks ago one of my cancer markers was up and the other was down. I got a little discouraged. I have no patience. And this journey is going to teach me patience, for sure.  The doc came in today and felt my liver, and said it was detracting, it was not as swollen and it felt softer!!!!  Those words were like music to my ears. I want to be cured. I do pray to God every night to spare my life. I want to live .. I want to live like I have never lived before. I want to do things that most people never consider doing, I want to give the life that I have been given to help others.  Right now, I am accepting and appreciating the help from others, but I promise you one thing, I am really trying to pay it forward  even when it is being given to me.  

I saw my traumatic counselor this week  for the first time...she asked me what I wanted her to help me with..... I told her 

To be happy every day of my mine, to appreciate every thing I can, and still prepare me for what might happen. 

It broke my heart to say those words and to even think about now, but I am realistic and I have to be open to whatever God's plan is for me.... I just know that the Grace I am being shown in life is something I have never felt before and for every single person that is giving of their time, money, prays, heart, and soul to me, you are making me a BETTER person every single day and I hope you all see my journey and see a more beautiful life in front of yourself as well. 

Remember.... Don't cry for me... Pray for me. Please keep all of those people we care for and love in our prayers every day as well. 

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