Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blog #26.... { Unexpected and Amazing Blessings }

There are some things that can just totally melt your heart. Especially, when it comes to kids.  My neighbor Kristy, called me a week ago and was telling me about her oldest daughter(that's in middle school) had worn my "Team Christy" shirt to school, and she has been collecting money from her friends to buy one too. I thought that was the sweetest thing for middle school kids wanting my shirts, it made me feel so good. 

This afternoon, I was coming back into the neighborhood from doing errands, I pulled over and sat there with them most of  the afternoon as they were having a yard sale. The weather was perfect and I sat in the shade enjoying the day with my friend and her precious three daughters.  I had not noticed when I walked up, the table they had at the beginning of the driveway, and the "Team Christy" shirt laying on the table, with a note, asking for donations for their friend and neighbor, between the donations jar and the pre-sold T-shirts those 3 precious girls had collected $82 for me. I wanted to cry, I was completely blown away at their kindness and compassion. They are amazing. My friend Kristy, says since they found out I was sick, they have been so worried about me, and talk about me all the time It's one of the most amazing feelings, ever. I know these three girls have learned a lot more about life, and cancer itself, going through this journey with me. 

They are amazing and I know in my heart that they learned a lot about giving at their young ages, and that is one of the greatest things we could really teach our children. Compassion and doing for others is almost as old fashion as cornbread but they both are still so good and have just as much meaning as the days you use to take a cake over to welcome a new neighbor.  I have tears in my eyes as I sit here and write this blog right now.  

The world is a better place than I have allowed myself to see in a very long time. I use to focus on the things that people didn't do, and now through this I as well as my family, we focus on the things that people do and forget about the things that others don't! Going through this has taught me some very valuable lessons in life, some have stabbed me to the bone and some have melted my heart as if it were a stick of butter. I want more than anyone for this cancer to be cured, gone, and never to be a part of my life ever again. I feel so good, and I know that what I am doing is working. There are some people that are skeptical of my "Alternative Treatments:" I get it, especially if you have no idea what treatments I am doing. 

I bought a machine about 1.5 months ago, it's a machine that sits on top of a gallon of purified nice water, from Walgreen.  This machine sits in the water and it takes about 5-6 hours to do it's thing, and get the water at the correct colloidal silver amounts in the water, I mix Zija in with the water, and I drink 24 oz of this a day. I have about 10 different supplements that I take 2 of twice per day. I sit in the infered sauna at 140 degrees, for 20 minutes everyday, I go to treatments at "The Genesis Center" in Cumming, GA, and I go fasting because the treatments work much better if you fast, So it's a given I starve until I am done. It's a sacrifice . I go for treatments there  3 times per week, and get IV Vitamin C with a few other things mixed in, while I have a heat lamp on my liver laying down for 1.5 hours while I am getting the IV, and I get 1 shot of Vitamin D once a week. I soak in baking soda baths 3 times a week. I eat clean and I drink 8 drops of peroxide in a cup of water every day. 

I know this all sounds like a lot. It's now a "new way of life" for me. It's a routine. I try my best to stay on a schedule and to not  get off of it, at all. There are so many people that wanted to know all the things I am doing! For a while, I didn't want to tell it all, because I didn't want people thinking I am insane. I have checked with the alternative doctor and my oncologist and they both said everything I am okay! So there you go. I am going to list the information for the colloidal silver machine, Zija which I have the greatest person to hook you up with if you are interested, I know all ingredients in this little package is a huge part of my feeling good, and in healing my body. Also I am attaching a link to "The Genesis Center" If you have any questions about any of these things please do not hesitate to email me at.... christysellsinsurance@gmail. I would love to answer any of your questions......

Information is knowledge and knowledge can also save your life. I hope with an open mind and heart about my treatments this all  may be something you or someone you may know, will need for your own lives. I highly recommend every one and every thing that has been working in my treatments of kicking cancers ass. This is about dedication, determination, and a new way of life. It isn't easy but it's worth making it in the life that you want and deserve! 

I have totally changed my way of thinking, as well as my entire way of life, and I feel better than I have in many years!  Don't cry for me...Pray for me....I hope you will learn to be as open minded as I have learned to be... 

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